Hi. I’m Crissy Herron. I started IndieBizChicks.com, the website “ for women who’d rather work for themselves, than work for the man,” in the summer of 2007.
And while I say this site is for “women,” it’s totally okay to read it if you’re a dude.
I guess if you’re reading this, you probably want to know a little bit about me, huh?
I’m a proud resident of the Mitten state. (Which is Michigan, for those of you who aren’t good at geography.) Fun fact: I lived in Alaska for a long time. Another fun fact: I kinda like the cold.
Thanks to my sister, I have two nephews and a niece. Thanks to my business, I have a very flexible schedule, and I am able to help out with the kids a lot. I help get them to and from school, to practice, and where ever else they need to go. I help with homework, projects, etc. I volunteer at my niece’s school and am on the PTO. And I’m always at the games, concerts, and all the other events they participate in.
I take a lot of pictures. I like to travel, go to museums, and I love to cook and bake. I’m pretty good at it, too, if I do say so myself.
You can find me on Instagram and Twitter.
The best way to connect & get to know each other is in my free Facebook Group.