People want to do business with people they like, and that is why it is so important to really connect with your customers. This will help you build relationships with them, and once that happens, they will look at you as their “go to” person — they won’t think about doing business with your competition!
Here are some ways to accomplish this:
Show Them You’re A Real Person – It’s okay to occasionally write a blog post about what you did this past weekend or put up a picture on Twitter of the new jeans you just got on sale.
Hang Out With Them – No, I don’t mean you should jump on a plane and fly across country… I mean that you should jump on Twitter, or wherever they are hanging out online, and join in the conversation with them. Be careful! Don’t spend all of your time chit-chatting – you still have other things to do in your day. But spending a few minutes here and there engaged in conversation with you ideal customers can go a long way.
Find Out What They Want – Make sure you are blogging about what your customers are interested in, making the kinds of products they want, etc. If you give them what they want, they’ll keep coming back. If you’re not sure? ASK THEM!