Are You Stuck In A Business Rut?

Are you feeling like you are stuck in a routine? Does it seem like tasks are piling up but you have no energy to work on them? Does working on your business seem like a chore or a drain – when it used to feel fun and energizing? If so, I think you might be stuck in a rut.

Ruts can happen to the best of us, so if you got caught up in one, don’t feel bad. The point is to recognize the rut and figure out how to get out of it. Quickly! (Ruts can harm your business – so you really don’t want to stay in one for too long!)

Here are some tips on getting un-stuck:

Get out of your comfort zone!

This is probably the number one reason people fall into ruts. They spend too much time on doing things that are “comfortable.” So let me ask you a question: What is one thing you know you need to do for your business, but haven’t done, because it scares the hell out of you?

Guess what? I want you to start working on that thing … today! Don’t wait! Do it today!

Get out of your house!

If you work from home, it can be very easy to fall into a rut. In fact, your business rut can start extending into your life. It can be really easy to sit at home in your pajamas all day and never  get dressed, or fix your hair, etc. If you find yourself doing this everyday, that’s a rut, my dear.

If the above pajama person sounds like you, I want you to get out of your house. Today. And not just to go to the grocery store. I want you to pack up your laptop and head to your local coffee shop and work there for an hour or two.

If you have kids, you can schedule this activitiy for when you can fiind a sitter. But that doesn’t mean you get out of it completley! You still gotta break free from that rut, so you better find time to leave the house sometime this week! (you’ll thank me later.)

Find A Mentor

I am assuming that most of you reading this are “solopreneurs.” That means you are basically a one-woman show. When you work on your business by yourself, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture.  Have you ever wished you could turn to someone for advice? Someone who has been in the trenches and could give you insight on how to develop your business and succeed?

Finding a mentor can help you tremendously. They can help you figure out what pices of the puzzle are missing. This can breathe new life into your business and help give you the motivation to take things to the next level.

1 thought on “Are You Stuck In A Business Rut?”

  1. Pingback: Putting Some Motivation Into Your Monday |

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