My name is Brandy and I’m married to a construction-working-drummer and together we have a Boston terrier named Frederick. I love to create and am a die-hard for thrift shopper and live for finding great deals.
The Shop, brandy-son Zen master flash, is the place where you can find handmade crocheted, embroidered, and re-purposed materials made into unique accessories, holsters, magnets, prints, paintings, pillows, hair clips and other unique items. There are also vintage items to search through that were hand-picked by myself that were found from one of my many junk hunts. Let Your Freak Flag Fly!
Win A $10 Gift Card! Just visit the brandy-son Zen master flash Etsy shop, and then come back to this post and tell me what you like the best! Drawing will be held at 10am on November 25.
I think my daughter would really like the red and wood bead jersey necklace.