Don’t Think. Just Do.

It can be very scary to try something new. You may be scared that you won’t be very good at whatever you’re trying, that you’ll fail. Sometimes, the idea of succeeding can be scarier.

The next time you are about to start something new, don’t think about it. Just do it. Don’t think about the big picture. Look two steps ahead and just keep trudging along.

The more you think about it, the more chance you have to start doubting yourself. You may find yourself coming up with a hundred reasons of why you can’t do something.

Once that self doubt kicks in, it can be very hard to get rid of it.

Blogging, for example, is one of the most common areas where this happens. I’ve had many people tell me that they want to start a blog but the blog design isn’t perfect. They’re waiting until it looks “just right.”

Guess what? It’s never going to look “just right.” It’s never going to be “perfect.” As soon as the design is done, you’ll find another part of the design you’ll want to tweak, and as soon as that is done, you’ll find something else to change, etc, etc. I’m still changing the look of this blog, and it’s been online for almost five years!

Don’t over-think it. Just do it.


2 thoughts on “Don’t Think. Just Do.”

  1. You always have to try new things, and to learn to take a reasonable amount of risk. If you don’t fail from time to time, you never learn some very valuable lessons. And you won’t always fail. The shot in the arm it gives you when you try something new and pull it off is incredibly empowering!

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