If you saw my post from March 20, you will know that I was chosen to be a Mid-Michigan Chevy Girl On The Go. On Saturday, I picked up my new Malibu. I. LOVE. IT. SO MUCH!!!!
They loaded this car up! It has all kinds of awesome features and gadgets. There’s a place to plug in your iPod, a USB drive, it even has an actual electrical outlet. It comes equipped with Bluetooth (I’ll show you a video soon of how awesome this is). Even the seat adjustments are pretty cool – you can make your seat higher and lower, as well as more or less forward.
One thing that I am really digging right now is the heated seats, as it is still cold in Michigan (it’s only around 33 today!). I had heard people talking about seat warmers before and how much they loved them. Now, I fully understand why.
I’m also very impressed with the gas mileage. Michigan has the 10th highest gas prices in the country right now, and they’re only expected to get higher. I really thought the Malibu was going to be going through gas faster than it is… watch the above video clip for visual proof of what I’m talking about!
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