You’re Awesome.

Here’s a secret to success: You need to Believe in yourself.

Believe. With a capital B.

I know it can be hard, especially when you are just starting out. But hey – if you have written 5 blog posts and have 10 people on your mailing list, that’s more than the person down the street who hasn’t done any of that!


You might have zero “support system.” Instead of people rallying around you, you have a bunch of people telling you that you’re never going to get anywhere. Yeah. I had that, too. I listened to myself, not them.

Maybe you’ve been in business a while but you are constantly judging yourself or thinking you’re not as successful as so-and-so. Well, let that go! You are a completely different person with a totally different set of circumstances.

Success comes in many different shapes and forms. Start celebrating each little bit that comes your way.

Did you get 10 new Twitter followers this week? Success! Maybe you don’t have a million, like some celebrity, but you have more than you had last week.

Did you get a few new subscribers this week? Success! Did you write some blog posts? Get a new client? Sell a copy of your ebook? Success, Success, Success!

You’re doing it, step-by-step.

You’re awesome. And don’t forget it.

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