Running a business is hard work, but there are many tools that can make it easier. If you are dragging your feet on technology, it’s time to embrace them!

Did you know that if you have a smartphone and use WordPress for blogging, you can download an app and do all of your blogging from your phone? Speaking of blogging, if you want to take a couple of days off, you can pre-write blogs and schedule them to appear throughout the week. You can also do that with your tweets by using a Twitter app called HootSuite. And don’t forget you can automate your email newsletter by using an autoresponder!

There are many tools that can help you keep your business running smoothly – even when you are having a frazzled, busy day!

About the Author

Crissy Herron is the founder of Indie Biz Chicks. She is the self-described "World's Best Aunt," loves Motion City Soundtrack, is awesome in the kitchen, and is a proud resident of The Mitten State. (that's Michigan, by the way.) And, oh yeah, she used to live in Alaska. (she likes the cold.)

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