5 Reasons To Learn How To Teach Online Classes

I’m offering some “daily deals” on my blog this week, and one of those deals is my workshop “How To Teach An Online Class” – for only $29. The normal price is $99.

I’m offering this special price because I know many people may want to take that course but can’t spend that much on a workshop.

I am only offering this special price to 10 people, though!

You’ll be getting 4 weekly lessons, feedback from me on your “homework,” and private email coaching with me.

You can view a sample lesson of the workshop here

Click Here To Register For $29

If you’re “on the fence” and not sure if this is for you, here are 5 reasons to teach an online class:

1) There are things you know that other people want to know. It could be a class on scrapbooking, coupoining, meal planning, homeschooling, organizing a closet, weight loss, yoga, being more productive, etc … Trust me – there are so many ideas for classes! I give you a very big list of possibilities in the first lesson and I’m there to help you decide on the topic you choose.

2) You don’t need any special certificates or licenses. How awesome is that? You can set up your own online class – and start earning money right away!

3) You don’t have to invest a lot of money to get started. There are many no-cost and low-cost tools to help you teach an online class. The only real expense would be if you wanted to use a nice webinar room – but all of those come with no-cost trials, so you could schedule your class during your trial … I give you lots of other tips and tricks for creating a class on a budget in the workshop!

4) It’s a great way to add to your income! Let’s say that you teach a one-hour class on making cards, once a month. You charge $10 for the class and have 30 people register each month. You are earning $300 for that hour! Pretty cool, huh? And your grand total for the year in extra income is $3,600.

5) The fifth and most important reason to learn how to teach online classes right now, is that this is an awesome deal. Like I said, it’s normally $99 for this workshop – but you’re getting it for just $29. It’s too good to pass up!

Click Here To Register Now For Only $29



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