We’ve been having some very nice weather in Michigan, and it is making me want to start my spring cleaning!
While you may be thinking about spring cleaning your home, have you thought about spring cleaning your biz?
If you’re ready to get your biz organized, I can help you de-clutter!
I am launching my De-Clutter Your Biz Program on March 22.
When you sign up, you will receive a guide — and a homework assignment — each week (for 6 weeks). Here’s the outline:
Week 1 – Taking Stock – This week, you will give your business thorough evaluation. We will figure out what is working and what needs to be improve; what you enjoy and what makes you cringe.
Week 2- Gettin’ Dirty – This week, you will get down n’ dirty. It’s time to throw out the stuff that isn’t working. You’ll get rid of the things that are dragging you down, allowing you to concentrate on moving forward.
Week 3 – Energize – Last week, you threw out what wasn’t working. This week, we take what’s left and start energizing it and breathing new life into it!
Week 4 – Re-Construction – Last week, we gave your business some new energy; this week, it’s time to do some re-construction on your website and marketing. Hey – they need some new energy, too!
Week 5 – New Construction – This week, we are going to take what you already have and BUILD upon it for long-term success.
Week 6 – The LTG – These are your long-term goals. And since this is the final week of the program, it makes sense to set some long-term goals, now doesn’t it? If you don’t make plans for the future, your newly de-cluttered biz will fall out of shape again in no time!
Does this sound like something you could use?
Because this is the first time I am holding this program, I am offering half off!
If you simply want the guides and want to complete the program on your own, you will only pay $10. (The program will go up to the regular price of $20 after March 22)
To purchase, click here
If you would like me to go over your homework assignments, and would like to have access to a private forum where you can ask me questions and receive feedback, you will only pay $20. (The program will go up to the regular price of $40 after March 22)
To purchase, click here
Are you ready to take action and get your biz moving in a new direction? I hope so – because I’m ready to help you!
just signed up!! weeee!!