It’s time to DREAM BIG.

It was five years ago this summer that I got the idea to make a website. I was turning 29. And that was kind of a big deal.

I don’t usually get too personal on here, but I was going through some major stuff in the summer of 2006. I was separated from my husband (who I ended up getting back together with, only to finally leave and divorce in 2008).  But in the summer of 2006, I was living in Michigan and he was living in Alaska.

My mom sat me down and told me I needed to start getting serious. She asked me what I wanted my life to look like.

I told her I wanted to make a cool website — and actually make money with it, to teach classes and inspire women, to travel to cool cities, write a book, to meet cool people in different places…..

To most people, those ideas sound like pipe dreams. But I made it happen. Every single one of those things.

In the last few years, I’ve given myself a total life makeover. And I needed it. Badly.

In 2006, I knew nothing about making a website. I just knew that I wanted to do it. I gave myself a year to learn. In 2007, right before I turned 30, I launched

In May of 2008, I left Alaska and moved back to Michigan. This wasn’t an easy decision to make. I had been married for a decade.  But it wasn’t working. I was very unhappy, and I was sick of being alone. I had never had to fully support myself or live on my own, because I had moved in with my ex straight from parent’s house when I was 19.  I was scared. But I knew it was either stay and be unhappy or leave and possibly be happy. I chose to leave.

To say that everything changed would be a total and complete understatement. It wasn’t easy. It was bit by bit, piece by piece. But I made it happen.

Five years ago, I had an idea for a website. A little tiny thought in my brain has turned into my life. I’ve met tons of cool people. Traveled. Taught classes online. Spoke at conferences. Hell, I even spoke at Etsy’s headquarters last year! ME! I did that! I’m still giving myself a high five  and a pat on the back for arranging that one!

Now it’s your turn to DREAM BIG. What do you want your life to look like? I’m going to help you get it there!

I’ve offered many types of coaching in the past, all being focused on a single topic. But this time – it’s all customized to YOU.

You tell me what you want to accomplish, and for six weeks, you’ll have me to guide you there.

You’ll have to do the work, of course. Simply wanting something to happen isn’t going to make it happen….

But I will be there with you to make it happen!

This coaching starts on June 20 and will last through August 5.  You’ll have access to a private forum where you can ask me questions, and get answers. No one will see your goals, but me. This is personalized coaching – just for you. We will also have (2) 30 minute one-on-one coaching calls via phone. (these will be scheduled during the coaching program at times that are convenient to both of us)

This is your summer to dream big – and to start achieving your goals!

Let’s make it happen!

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