Staying Focused While Working At Home

Working from home is an ideal choice for many.  Whether you own your own business or your employer allows you to telecommute, working from home offers many conveniences and freedoms that a traditional office job does not.  However, working from home also offers many challenges; the primary challenge for many is staying focused and motivated.

Step One:  Create a Workspace

Staying focused and motivated when working from home requires a home office. Yes, maybe the kitchen table or the couch could work.  However, placing yourself in those locations is just asking for distractions.

When you create a designated workspace, your frame of mind changes immediately when you walk into it and sit down.  You’re mentally more ready to focus.  Make your workspace comfortable enough that you enjoy being there yet not so comfortable that you want to be there when you’re not working or that it becomes a place to hang out.

Additionally, when you create a workspace, your family will take your working from home more seriously. It becomes easier to set boundaries.  When you’re in your office, you’re working and you’re not to be disturbed.

Step Two:  Create a Schedule

Okay so maybe one of the things you love about working from home is that you don’t have to create a schedule however a schedule will help you stay focused and productive.  When you create your schedule, remember to schedule in breaks, household chores, time with your family and meals.  It’s easy to say, “I’m going to work from 10-4” however actually sitting there and working for six hours is going to be a lot more difficult.  Give yourself breaks and downtime during the day.  When you schedule in your distractions, your working time is much more focused and it’s easier to stay focused because you know you have breaks to look forward to.

Additionally, make sure to schedule days off.  It’s easy when you work from home to work from the time you get up until the time you go to bed seven days a week.  It’s a sure way to suffer burnout quickly.  Plan vacations, days off, and time for yourself to stay motivated.

Step Three:  Eliminate Distractions

Make a list of distractions.  Perhaps it’s laundry, your children, your friends calling you for coffee, appointments and errands.  Make a list of these distractions and then find a way to eliminate them.

For example, if your children are a distraction, then how can you plan your day around them?  Can you trade childcare days with other parents who work from home?  Can you hire a sitter for part of the day?  Can you work around their naps?
Staying motivated and focused when working from home is possible.  Rather than modeling your work from home life around what you feel you should do, take a look at your reality, your needs and personality, and create a work from home life that works for you.  It takes a little planning and premeditation to get the job done.

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1 thought on “Staying Focused While Working At Home”

  1. This is all so true.
    I can be the untimate productive procrastinator. I’ll find something around the house that needs “doing” just to put off doing what needs getting done in my business.

    I’ve found that scheduling household chores, makes them less of a distraction from my business.

    Many mornings I kiss my husband, tell him have a great day, I’m off to the office, and then walk to my studio in the back of the house and get to work!

    Still working on the scheduled days off thing, haven’t really figured how to work that in quite yet. 🙂

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