Who is it that will grow your business? You might put together the business plan, marketing strategy, and find the capital, but unless someone buys your products, you will remain a person with an idea and not much else. Knowing your customers is the first step in advertising and building a profitable business.
Who are your customers? That would depend on who you are trying to reach with your product. If you’ve done a test run of your product, you may have an idea that the ideal customer for your business is women aged 18-50, for example. That is a broad category, but you have to start somewhere.
Your advertising begins in areas where women are likely to see and give you a second look. Your advertising begins to pay off when the traffic to your business website increases along with sales. But the commitment to your customers doesn’t end here.
You have gained customers but they have haven’t been properly identified. How did they hear about you? What are their lives like? This sounds like a big job to tackle but you can figure out this information with a little effort. Your advertising dollars are precious and spending them on advertising forms that won’t pan out is unwise.
Offer customer surveys to learn about the people who buy your products. This type of communications gets customers talking to you about you. Ask them to evaluate everything from the checkout process to the types of products you offer.
For a more targeted approach, mail email confirmations that link to an online survey for everyone who buys a product from you. The information helps to flesh out a more detailed picture than just women aged 18-50.
Track customers with monitored offers as well. Monitoring customers lets you find out where they are from and by what method they reach you. Offer coupons with barcodes, online offers, and perks for referrals. You can determine how the customers shop, what you have that they want, and what advertising strategies to pursue next.
A referral is one of the best endorsements you can get from a loyal customer. Someone who shopped with you has recommended that others do so, too. When customers register with the site, ask them if they were referred by anyone. Reward those referrals with free merchandise or an extra percentage off on their next order.
Now that you know how to track customers, take the time to read their survey answers and referrals. Their answers are important and can also better your customer service to them.
Lastly, stay ahead of the technology game. Keep up with new breakthroughs in your industry so you can offer better products that your customers will love. When your website stays current and fresh, customers will continue to visit.
Do you know anything about your customers? Use the above advice to learn all you can about them. Cater your advertising efforts to your customers when you find out how they reach you and what will keep them coming back.