In the time I have been scouring the site, these are my personally bookmarked posts from! Take a look, there is so much great information on and this is only the tip of the iceberg!


1. Holding your own craft show– I had never thought about this before I read it! I am of course still working on doing something larger, but I have held a few little parties at my house since I read it and even sold some stuff! Score! I definitely suggest this, I am even planning on throwing a craft show in my field (which is of course fully manicured!) Not only a great way to sell your stuff, but also a great way to have another source of income!

2. Copywriting Class– I have taught and done sales for YEARS, but never thought to write just like I would pitch something over the phone. It seems so ingenious, but this post stuck out in my head, because it made me realize that I already had everything I needed!

Photobucket3. Do you know your customers?– I love this because I really didn’t know who my customer is, I’m still narrowing it down, but this information made it seem like less of an enormous task!

4. Your Business: Are you in… Or are you out?– I was suffering burnout when I found this article. I was working my full 40 hours a week, doing all of my volunteering, and still trying to make product! This article by Crissy really helped me refocus and start taking it one day at a time and realizing, that if I don’t take at least one night off a week to do nothing, then I am going to start hating what I love. I also didn’t have clearly defined goals and the ones that I did have I wasn’t keeping updated!
5. How To Come Up With A Good Business Name– When I started up everything I couldn’t think of a good name for the life of me, anything that I thought was clever was already taken. It was ridiculous. Not to mention that I suck at names to begin with!!! It took me 3 weeks to name my goats! In short, I stole my business name from my little girl kitty. She was the runt of her litter and we weren’t even going to get her, but she was the only one that Panda (our boy) would play with on all the play dates we went on to find another cat for him (he was all claws in those days and I really just wanted to cuddle). So when we brought her home, she was dirty because of the poor care she got, and an entire pound smaller than Panda even though they were the same age! So in my randomness I made up song lyrics while I was giving her a bath (one of my many talents) and it made my husband roll laughing! Therefore her name is Itty. “Cause it’s all right to be itty bitty, little kitty in a big old city”. LOL Throw Chic on the end of it, and you have a named business!


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About the Author

Crissy Herron is the founder of Indie Biz Chicks. She is the self-described "World's Best Aunt," loves Motion City Soundtrack, is awesome in the kitchen, and is a proud resident of The Mitten State. (that's Michigan, by the way.) And, oh yeah, she used to live in Alaska. (she likes the cold.)

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