Make Your Biz Sizzle This Summer

Happy celebrating winning success woman sunsetAhhh, Summer … The time of year when it’s so easy to procrastinate! Let’s face it – after a long Winter, who doesn’t want to take a road trip to the beach, visit the local fair, host a barbecue, or just sit outside and enjoy the warm weather?!

Summer can melt your motivation faster than it melts ice cubes on 90 degree days! But that doesn’t mean you have to slump back and push your business off to the side till September rolls around.

These tips will help you manage your time so you can get more work done – in less time! Follow these tips and you’ll have a biz that sizzles, instead of melts!

• Switch your working hours. Change your normal working hours so that you have enough outside time to keep you satisfied. For instance, you could work early mornings and late evenings, leaving the afternoons free to enjoy outside activities. Or take certain days off during the week.

• Delegate work to others. Outsource more than you normally do in order to free up some time. Hire a virtual assistant or online manager to take care of the big projects, giving you more time to do what you want.

• Take advantage of technology. Use your smartphone to keep up with email and social media while you’re having fun. Wi-fi is available almost everywhere, making it easier than ever to keep in contact with customers and clients. Just be sure to set time limits for yourself so you don’t end up answering emails instead of catching waves at the beach.

• Use to-do lists. A daily to-do list during the summer can keep you organized and on task. Ticking off ‘done’ items from your list keeps you motivated to finish, instead of checking your social media accounts or daydreaming.

• Prioritize work. Plan out your days with work that has to be done. Do your money making tasks first. Also, don’t take on a lot of new projects if you are more interested in going out in the boat. Keep your work load lighter if possible so you can enjoy time on the lake.

• Break up big projects into small micro-tasks you can do throughout the day or week. This works for projects such as a new product launch, and for client work as well.

• Take your work outside. There’s no reason you can’t take your laptop to the park or your back deck to work. Even without a wi-fi connection, you can write documents or work on graphics.

• Take advantage of systems. You can create a bunch of blog posts ahead of time, and schedule them for publication at a later date using WordPress. The same is true for your autoresponder messages. And social media posts can be pre-scheduled to appear at a later time using software like HootSuite.

With a little planning ahead now, you’ll be able to sit back with an iced coffee in July – and not worry about any dips in your income!

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