How Blogging Changed My Life (Lynette Chandler)

How Blogging Changed My Life – Guest Post From Lynette Chandler

The year was 1999. My husband (then boyfriend) and I were in a long distance relationship and we felt this tremendous need to share our journey with others because back then, online relationships just weren’t that common. You did hear of people in such relationships but it was always negative and we wanted to tell the world, “Hey, look at us, we’re doing OK”.

We ended up starting a website on Angelfire which still is there by the way. The idea was to create a journal of our experiences. Everything. The good, the bad, the emotional roller coaster, the meetings and the goodbyes. Little did I know, what we started then is now called a blog. From that simple blog, we’ve made many friends, some are friends to this day. And to me, the most fulfilling part was helping other couples in their journey too.

It was because of this blog that I created my very first digital product. It was because of this blog that I realized the incredible connections one could make with others and it be applied to business. And this led me to my 2nd digital product, the Blogging Starter Pack, showing other businesses how to set up and manage their blog.

Things have changed so much since that first blog. New tools, new ways to share your content
and get the word out. But it was the experience with that personal blog, that made me realize at the heart of it all, is about sharing ideas, reaching out to others and be available at the same time. That is powerful and can also be profitable.

Today, I have more blogs and also products and services around blogs and blogging. I’ve learned to leverage my own blog for yet another stream of passive income through affiliate recommendations. I’ve learned to work with other bloggers like Crissy to get the word out and promote my products. I’ve also picked up new friends.

How has blogging changed my life? If it were not for that very first blog, I suppose I would probably not have this business that allows me to live my life on my terms. I would also not have found the friends that come with it. That would be sad.

Lynette Chandler is a product of the 80’s analog to digital transitional era and loves gadgets and anything techie. She provides Internet Technology help to other small businesses at


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