How To Write Compelling Web Copy

Ever wonder what the difference is between copy that compels you to buy and copy that compels you to leave a website? Here are 5 tools you can use right now to write copy that compels your visitors to buy or at least stay on your website longer.

1. Use conversational copy. Talk to your readers. How do you talk? When you speak do you use contractions? Do you use colloquialisms? Write like you talk and you’ll make a better connection with your readers.

2. Use active words. Do you want to compel your readers to act or command them to act? Do you want your readers to benefit from your product or do you want it to change their life? Words have power. Find specific active verbs to paint your copy, to make it exciting and lively.

3. Make your copy benefit oriented. Honestly, your readers don’t care if your lawnmower has a push button start. What they care about is that the lawnmower starts easily. Your owners don’t care if your lawnmower has a tight turning radius. They want to know that mowing around their rose bush is easy and doesn’t require a 30-point turn. Sell benefits not features.

4. Use common language. Make sure that you use words that people know. Absolutely do not, even if you’re writing for rocket scientists, use tech speak or jargon. Not only is jargon boring but also you’ll lose your audience if they don’t know what you’re talking about. Do use words that people are familiar with and can connect to.

5. Use emotions. We all want to feel smarter, richer, happier, thinner, more respected and so on. Use these emotions and emotional needs to connect with your reader. For example, “Do you feel paralyzed every time you have to go shopping? Do you hate trying on clothes? Does stepping in front of that three way mirror strike fear inside you?”

Compelling web copy has many business building benefits. It will keep your visitors glued to your site. It will bring visitors back to your site. It will generate traffic and increase your search engine ranking. Compelling copy also sells!