It’s funny. I was asked to do this post and I thought, “Business? Do I really have a business?”
Maybe I should give a little background — my name is Jenny Ingram. I have been married almost 15 years. Whoa. That flew by! I have 3 kids. My son is 10, and my two girls are ages 7 and 4. I was a history teacher before becoming a mom and for a short time after having my son. But in the years since having kids, I fell squarely into the “stay at home mom” category, and I think I still do. But… in 2004 I started a blog.
Does having a blog mean one has a business?
In the past year(s) I have gone from blogger and casual (OK, borderline obsessive) social media user to — blogger who now considers herself a “writer”, a product reviewer, as well as social media consultant with local businesses… While I enjoyed teaching, I knew as soon as I left I did not want to continue in the traditional path of education. However, I love working with people, and I love teaching… I also love sharing with others things I am passionate about. Blogging has been a springboard for my passions.
Therefore… I AM thankful for my business and here’s why 🙂
1) For years I held the perspective that I am “just a blogger”… a gal who uses social media… who looks to others for ideas, inspiration and frankly at times, with a bit of jealousy. Growth opportunities seemed to abound, and I often felt like I was missing the bus by 1 minute. What I wasn’t seeing was the journey, the building of character through commitment and challenging oneself. When I tell IRL people about some of the fun stuff I get to be a part of they often respond, “I can do that! I’m gonna start a blog!” I always temper their enthusiasm with, “I have also been at this over 5 years.” It takes time to build, and I still have LOTS of building to do…
I am thankful for the fruit of hard work. The “overnight sensation” fruit would have been welcomed, but I must admit I am more thankful for the story… the story of this journey.
2) Slow but consistent growth… the journey and it’s story… the little opportunities and connections with great people as my anchors.
I am thankful for the opportunity to build relationships with great people. I am blessed to have quality people in my life today as a result of what I do. I sometimes feel a *little sorry* for people not connected with the blogging community. What a rich community I have found! A world of encouragement not accessible before the age of the interwebz, as well as connecting with the funniest people my funny bone has ever been tickled by!
3) I have seen my business grow in ways I have hoped for, but also in ways I never imagined.
I am thankful to be in a network of creative and crazy people or integrity who inspire and challenge me to think outside the box… and encourage me to step out of my comfort zone.
4) I am writing this post while sitting in my friend’s super-comfy kitchen. The smell of coffee is tickling my nose, and sounds from Wendy’s sewing machine are tickling my ears. I dropped my youngest off at her preschool down the road, stopped here to chat with Wendy over coffee and a cinnamon roll for 45 minutes, then pried open my laptop to write this post while she sews a cushion cover.
I am thankful I don’t have to go to an office everyday to get my work done. I can set my own hours and work around the schedule and needs of my family… or my need to have coffee with a friend 🙂
5) Connection. This is almost repetitive to the other points, but…
I am thankful that what I “do” requires connection. I am very much a “people person”, and blogging… using social media requires connection — to people. I am over-the-moon about the fact I have “met” so many like-minded women… passionate about their families, making new roads in this exciting time, caring for and encouraging one another in womanhood/motherhood/sisterhood.
Simply, this an exciting time. I want to thank Crissy here at Indie Biz Chicks for the opportunity to share my reasons for being thankful. Crissy, as I mentioned in #3… I am thankful to have made connections with people who challenge me, and you have:) It was a challenge to write this. It has been a leap to go from considering myself a casual blogger to recognizing it has become more. This makes me feel pretty darn thankful, a push and opportunity to realize and recognize the victories and blessings in my journey.
You can find Jenny on Twitter here: and you can read her blog here:
🙂 so fun – thank you!