When Gratitude And Business Collide (guest post by Deanna Collins)

I was so excited when Crissy asked me to write a guest post about what I am thankful for in my business.  Being in the “business” of gratitude and living a life of gratitude, I obviously have so much to be grateful for!

My name is Deanna Collins and I am the owner of JDDesigns, LLC and the co-founder of the Gratitude Collection a unique line of inspirational jewelry and apparel that reflects the benefits of positive thinking and acts of gratitude and thankfulness.

Gratitude, being appreciative and recognizing the good in life is a concept that resonates with millions of people right now.  From a spiritual standpoint, people are tired of the gloom and doom and are longing to connect in a more meaningful way.

Research has shown that grateful people have higher levels of positive emotion, life satisfaction, vitality, optimism, and lower levels of depression and stress.

I believe that my work, my mission, and my brand are having an impact – even if it’s one person at a time.

I see often in my work the effect that gratitude has on those who feel it, believe it, and share it.

I like to think of my life and my career as a journey and not a destination.  I am so grateful for being able to continually grow and learn with each new twist and turn of my life and business.

My gratitude list could go on forever, but here are a few highlights I am grateful for…

* Experience – each experience I have had has shaped me into who I am today.  I know my business has evolved because of this.  I look at all experiences (even the “bad” ones) as potential opportunities for growth and ways to add value to my business and to who I am.  I’m still on my journey.  I keep moving forward and taking something positive out of each experience as I go.

* Being able to do something I love! – I truly am passionate about what I do.  I love my brand and I love being able to express my creativity in this beautiful and meaningful way.

* Connecting – I am amazed at how much my business has evolved since I started it nearly 3 years ago.  Social media has connected me with so many people that I otherwise wouldn’t have known.  I have met many inspiring and motivating people who I learn from each and every day.  I truly value these connections.

* Inspiration – I love to inspire!  I always love to get feedback from my customers.  It’s so much fun to see what inspired them to buy one of my pieces.  I love to hear what they have to say and how the Gratitude Collection inspired them to think of expressing gratitude (for themselves or someone they love).

* Making a difference – I want to make a difference.  It was Gandhi who said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.”  I do feel like I am making a difference, even if it’s one person at a time, that’s okay with me.

Early on with the Gratitude Collection we were featured in a newspaper article and I was quoted saying that “my dream was to be on Oprah’s couch.” (I know it’s Crissy’s, too!)

Whether or not I make it to Oprah is irrelevant, but I do believe that someway, somehow, and somewhere – I will find my “Oprah” – I just keep moving forward with a positive attitude and deep abundant gratitude.

Deanna Collins, owner of JDDesigns, LLC and founder of the Gratitude Collection, is a Connecticut native born with entrepreneurial spirit. Always inspired by the arts and creativity, she is thrilled to combine a message of gratitude and inspiration with her creative flair in the beautiful Gratitude Collection.

Deanna has been a featured speaker on many topics on the arts for a variety of civic and social organizations and has been a past speaker at the WOW! (Women of the World) Forum on the topic of “Today’s Entrepreneurial Woman.”  The Gratitude Collection has been featured in various newspapers and was showcased several times on WTNH Channel 8 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Deanna is very proud to showcase Kazuri beads in the Gratitude Collection.  Kazuri, a fair trade organization, provides employment for several hundred needy people, especially women.  It has created a source of income for many women who would otherwise have had few options to provide for themselves and their families, including many women with disabilities, single mothers, and women widowed by the Aids epidemic that has swept through Africa.

Deanna is a devoted mother to her young daughter, Faith (8 years old), and wife of 12 years to her husband Greg.

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To shop the Gratitude Collection, click here

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