Is This The End Of Twitter?

I don’t watch a ton ofย  televison, but I do watch the ABC drama Brothers and Sisters. I had to laugh about this week’s episode, when one of the characters felt she ruined a business presentation becuse she wasn’t on Facebook and didn’t know what Twitter was….

Facebook is pretty popular. I think that it’s a fairly standard household item by now. But Twitter? That one surprised me! Call me crazy, but I thought Twitter was still somewhat under the radar…ย  I mean, I know a lot of people who have no idea what it is.

I think that for some people, that is why Twitter is so appealing. Some people want to be on a social network that their whole neighborhood isn’t on.

I’m sure that a lot of people watching that episdoe consulted the Google-verse to find out just exactly what Twitter was. And I’m sure Twitter got a bunch of new users. Over time, Twitter will become a household name. That’s the way it is…

I just wonder if this means the end of Twitter is drawing near… I mean, once the ‘every day, normal person’ finds out about the latest computer trend, the cool kids have already moved on to something else.

What do you think?


P.S. I personally think that Twitter is one of the best online marketing tools, ever! If you aren’t on Twitter yet, get there. Now. And look me up! You can find me here: http;//

And if you’re on Facebook, you should become a fan of Click Here to visit our fan page!

11 thoughts on “Is This The End Of Twitter?”

  1. Pingback: Posts about Internet Marketing as of January 22, 2009 | The Lessnau Lounge

  2. Shall we instigate a new one? Let’s go farther underground and begin an avante-garde neo new social network! Are you with me? Shhhhh don’t tell anyone.

  3. I know what you’re saying…but I am not on twitter because it’s cool or because I’m interested in the social media “latest”. I find it very effective as a networking tool and as a way of driving traffic to my website. I don’t really see twitter going the way of facebook because it takes too much effort to be an effective “tweeter.” Facebook is more passive, so it’s easier for the casual user to have a presence there. There are so many high-quality people on twitter, and I hope it stays that way! If the “cool kids” are going to move on again, then they have more time for this stuff than I do ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I had thought Twitter was still under-the-radar too; however, for several months now, I have heard reporters and anchors on MSNBC, NBC, CNN and ABC News toss the word “Twitter” around without elaborating on what it is — and are now using Twitter in their coverage and as a viewer participation tool.

    Personally, I am not yet a fan of Facebook. It seems very sterile; however, I am working on a Facebook page simply to have a presence there. I am still on MySpace — and connecting and reconnecting with friends and business contacts via Myspace constantly.

    But above all else — I believe a BLOG is the best on-line marketing tool! The majority of the people who add me to all their social-networking sites has found me FIRST through my Blog. =)

  5. Ha.. I new it was coming. I love twitter, and all the tweets.. Although I am fairly new to twitter.. It has become close to my heart. To see it casually thrown around in T.V. dialogue, not to sure how I feel about that. But like any good thing, it takes on a life of its own, and flies away to become a household commodity.

  6. I hear CNN mention Twitter all the time. They’ve been relying on it for breaking news like the Mumbai attacks and earthquakes, just to name a couple. IMHO, when major news networks are relying on it and openly admitting this in newscasts, that’s when you know that our media is undergoing a major shift.

  7. My first response is that it doesn’t matter how big Twitter gets as a whole, you’ll always be in control of who we follow ๐Ÿ™‚ I got a smile out of hearing them talking about Twitter on Brothers and Sisters. Made me feel oh so cool ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. And did they mention it on Lipstick Jungle or were they just talking about social media and blogging? Can’t remember, but I think it’s all cool. Regarding Brothers and Sisters, I think the point was that she feared she wasn’t CUTTING EDGE enough to work with such a young company, implying that Twitter is cutting edge, not household. Cutting edge is good. It’s like Twitter combined the best parts of YUWIE and FACEBOOK so that you could make REAL connections, and promote yourself warmly AND effectively.

  9. Lisa, I’m all for starting something new and cool… but I’ll have to be the idea person. I don’t have the programming skills!

    Dawn, it is a very effective networking tool for now… because it is cool and trendy. What happens if it becomes old and lame? It won’t be profitable to be on it. So people will move on to the next “cool thing.” See what I’m sayin’? This could be happening sooner than later… Like I said, if the “cool kids” get sick of everyone and their brother joining, they’ll create something else. Then you, me, and everyone and their brother will join that thing. It’s a never ending cycle…

    BellaKarma, I wasn’t really a big fan of Facebook either, but I think I might have been judging it too harshly. I’ve seen some very interesting results with the fan page I just started. You should try it!

    Leah, ain’t that the truth?

    Stacy, yoh hit the nail on the head with that one. There is a huge shift going on – and I think this is a very exciting thing to witness. It will be interesting to see how things have changed in the next decade!

    Kelly, yes – we will have the ability to follow or unfollow people… I’m just wondering how the dynamic is going to change now that it is becoming a household name…

    Cin, you are right – the character felt she wasn’t young and hip becuase she wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter. And I hate to be the one to break this to you, but now that all of the show’s millions of viewers have heard Twitter mentioned on the show, have Googled it, and have now joined it just to see what it was like, it is no longer “cutting edge.” I think that most people my age would agree that if their grandma is on Twitter, it just isn’t cool anymore.

    It’s like the 90’s when alternative music got big. Grunge was a movement against the 80’s hairbands. When those bands saw their album sales totally drop, they cut their hair, got some pierecings, started wearing flannel and tried to copy the grunge sound. The people who originally listened to grunge before it was “cool” got very annoyed and moved on to something else.

    It’s a fact of life that trends come and go… And like it or not, Twitter has trend written all over it right now.

  10. Someone from my hometown just followed me the other day, and I followed back, and then a convo went on from there via DM. He didn’t know I was from the same town as him, I’ve moved and my town on Twitter is Newport News, where I live now. I came from a small town so it was weird to see that tiny town pop up and not be someone I already knew. Twitter is definitely growing.

  11. Pingback: Twitter: The Celebrity Takeover? |

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