Monday Motivation: 15 Minutes

When looking at a list of things you need to do – whether it’s a list of things for your business or chores around the house, a long to-do list can seem a little overwhelming. And sometimes, it can seem A LOT overwhelming! That feeling of being overwhelmed can cause you to dive head first into the land of Procrastination. (nothing ever gets done when you do that!)

Instead of focusing on the big list – and wondering how you’re going to get it all done, focus on fifteen minutes.

Pick one item on your to-do list, set a timer for fifteen minutes and work on it.  Maybe it’s answering email, writing a blog post, or cleaning out the junk drawer in the kitchen. Whatever it is, only focus on that one thing for that fifteen minutes.

If you get done before the fifteen minutes are up, great. Pick another task and keep working.

If you run out of time, that’s okay. You can stop and pick up where you left off later, or you can keep going and finish it.

Chances are, that little fifteen minute push will give you enough motivation to finish the task.

So, long Procrastination!

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