This is why I think you need to go buy “My Dinosaur Life.”

First of all, let me just say that I love Motion City Soundtrack. That being said, this post is not going to be totally un-biased. But I am still going to give you some really good reasons why you should go buy their new album My Dinosaur Life.

1. They Love Indie Biz Chicks! Okay, well, by ‘they’ I mean perhaps the front man, Justin Pierre, loves Indie Biz Chicks. For example: He was the first male guest on the Indie Biz Chicks podcast and he did give me a shout-out on his Tumblr blog. So I think he digs it.

2. More importantly, it’s quality music. I know not everyone is into the genre of music that this band fits into… But if you are into post-punk-power-pop-modern-rock-maybe-kinda-sorta-emo goodness, you will LOVE this band. And the lyrics are killer. If you don’t like the sounds that this band makes, just read the lyrics, okay? You won’t be sorry.

3. A hard-working band made it to a major label. Give ’em a high-five. MCS was not born yesterday. They started playing about a decade and a half ago. Yeah. That long ago. They have toured endlessly, they have put out albums themselves, they did the indie label thing, and now, after all that hard work (and a broken arm via their drummer), they are making their major album debut. Go spend $10 on it. It’s more than worth it.

4. They have a sense of humor AND business sense. Watch their videos or go see them in person to get a feel for their jokes. And read this post that I wrote about how good their marketing plan was for this new album.

5. That Justin Pierre is a very nice guy. True story: I avoided listening to MCS for the first couple of years that I knew about them. And then I bought a compilation that they were on in 2006 and heard them. It stopped me in my tracks. I was living in Alaska, and a friend was going to Anchorage the next day. I had him stop at Borders  and buy the two MCS albums that were out at that time for me. To put it mildly, I was hooked.

I decided I was going to write the lyricist. I had never done that before. But for some reason, I felt like I had to thank the guy for this music. He wrote me back. I was stunned. But I wrote him back. And then he wrote me back again. And then I wrote  him back… And now, 4 years later, I’m still in contact with the guy.

He took the time to write a fan back, and that turned into a friendship. My nephew is a fan of the band, and Justin always takes time out to sign t-shirts or write little notes to him when I see him or include a little something-something to him in a Facebook message. That makes my nephew’s day. You should see the smile on that 10 year old kid’s face when I show him something Justin wrote him.

Even if the album was total crap, which it isn’t, but if it was, the fact that he takes the time out to make a kid’s day is reason enough to buy this album.

Okay – I’m gonna get off my soap box now. But do me a favor and get this album! Just try it!

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