A lot has changed in 4 months!

Just a little over 4 months ago (on Dec 21 to be exact) I blogged about winter solstice and how it applies to your business (https://indiebizchicks.com/blog/winter-solstice-how-it-applies-to-your-business/)

For those of you who don’t know what winter solstice is (and don’t want to read the referenced post), it is the shortest day of the year. During that time of year, the part of Alaska that I live in gets about 6 1/2 hours of daylight. Well, in the post, I had mentioned that starting the next day, we would be gaining a little bit of light each day, and before long, it would be light out almost 24 hours a day (some parts of Alaska do have 24 hour daylight in the summer, but not the part I live in).

So – I ended up relating this story to the fact that your business works the same way. There’s going to be high points and there’s going to be some low points, too. When you are having a low point, you just have to keep working through it and know that things will get better.

And when you are experiencing the high points, try to remember that the pendulum will swing back around. You may want to rest on those proverbial laurels, but taking a walk on Easy Street may not be the best decision.

A lot can change in just a few months. For example, it now gets light out well before 6am here (I don’t really want to get up before that just to see what time the sun actually rises) and it is still light out past 10pm.

If your business is not performing the way you want it to, commit to working hard for the next four months. That’s only 120 days. You can do this. And then in September you can tell me how much your profits have increased.

Remember – no one is going to hand you the life you want on a silver platter. If you want something to change, you have to do it yourself!

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