Biz Profile: Rachel Walsh

What is your name? Rachel Walsh

What is your business? balanced Crafts

When did you start your business? About 2 years ago

Why did you decide to start your business & why did you choose the type of business you chose? I have always wanted to own my own business, or rather work for myself as opposed to someone else. I chose jewellery because that is my passion.

What is your favorite thing about being in business for yourself? The freedom to work when I want, how I want.

What turned out to be harder than you thought? Promoting.

Looking back, what is one thing you know now, but wish you knew back then? This is a lot harder than you think it might be.

Do you participate in any business groups (mentoring, networking, etc) ? I am on several Etsy street teams, but no business groups in particular.

As a business owner, it can be easy to work all the time – do you have any tips for balancing your business and your personal life? To avoid burnout, I make sure to take breaks from my business. Actual breaks. No internet.

What have been some of your best business successes? I believe I started becoming more successful when I started creating what I was truly passionate about, as opposed to what I thought would sell.

What are you planning to do with your business in the future? My plan is simply to grow. I am constantly trying to come up with new ideas, new ways of doing what I already do. The problem is usually time.

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