Deciding To Monetize Your Blog

Blogging has become a new international pastime. It is a way to keep up with family and friends, share your opinion with others and make a difference in the global community. Also, your blog can become a way to supplement or create a major stream of financial support for you.

Well, the first thing you have to have to make money this way is a blog. Blogs were first of all online journals. They still are because you post articles most days of the week and they are kept in reverse chronological order. But, blogging is now so much more.

The Dilemma

Some people are conflicted when it comes to blogging. You do it because you love it but it does take up a lot of your time. If you are a stay-at-home parent or someone who is out of work for one reason or another, blogging can be a great outlet. Over time, though, you may start to wonder how such an enterprise can make you a little change at the same time.

If you are building a following, your readers may resent you turning your good thing into a model of capitalism. What they don’t understand is that there are ways to make money from your blog without changing the basic feel of your blog. You won’t be asking your fans to give up their hard-earned money as much as you will be offering them opportunities that they can find elsewhere on the Web. At least with you, they know that you will recommend advertisers and products that you trust.

Making the Decision

It is not an easy decision to arrive at, but monetizing your blog can be a great financial relief. Now, seeing five-figure profits take a lot of time and commitment, but it can be done if that is your goal. Very few people get to make money doing something that truly interests them. Usually you have to quit your job to do that.

Once you make the decision, the hard part is over. Now, your efforts will be geared towards getting things into place for your new online venture. At the same time, you’ll need to keep your existing audience happy. While there may be complaints about your new approach, you probably won’t see a mass exodus of readers.

The Pep Talk

Okay, you have made the decision and are looking for ways to generate income from your blog. But, just in case you begin to flounder, here are some of the reasons you considered:

• New source of income doing something you feel is worthwhile
• More blog traffic
• Greater sphere of influence in online circles

Monetizing your blog is not a sin or a hypocritical move. It makes perfect sense if you spend a lot of time blogging and have gained a following.

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