How to Get Media Attention

The right words from the right media at the right time can skyrocket your business. Imagine what a mention from CNN, Oprah or even your local news would do for your business. However, getting their attention isn’t always easy. Here are a few tools, when used consistently and properly, that can get you the media attention you desire.

Press Releases. Press releases are designed to get media attention, it’s their sole purpose, however few actually accomplish more than garnering a paragraph on a back page of the paper. What’s the difference between a press release that gets journalists excited and a press release that falls on deaf ears? Two things:

1. The press release has to be relevant, exciting, and offer compelling information. A press release that offers benefit to the reader along with a compelling and unique hook will often capture the attention of the media who are always looking for information to report on. They too have an audience that demands information and they’ll be more than happy to speak with you if you offer benefit and value.

There are many ways to accomplish this however, it’s often easier if you tap into a local need or a growing trend.

For example, many local news programs and papers are looking for information on how people can thrive in the growing economy if your business can tap into this current theme then you’ll be more likely to have the attention of journalists.

2. It pays to develop relationships with the media. This is accomplished through professional, patient, and persistent communication with your state and local media representatives. Press releases and polite follow up phone calls are a great way to get the ball rolling however once you have the ear of a journalist, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Find out what they’re looking for and how they prefer to receive information, for example can you call them with an idea, do they prefer email or are they a stickler for the process and insist on a proper press release?

Company Image. Believe it or not, you can actually capture the attention of the media without ever issuing a press release. Word of mouth marketing and social networking can often reach the ears of a journalist and pique their interest AND quite often journalists are actively researching ideas for stories and can stumble across your business website while searching online. This is why it’s important to have a media page.

A comprehensive and professional media page will include:

* Press releases and News
* Company contact info
* Logos and pictures
* About the Company which may include:
* A description of your products and/or services
* Your mission statement
* Company history
* A description of your target market

A media page not only makes it easier for the press to cover your business, it provides credibility and exposure.

Case Studies. Case studies are a written tool that provides credibility to your company. A case study will highlight the experience a particular person or group of people had while working with you or the products you provide. For example, many weight loss products offer case studies or ‘success stories’ from people who have used their program. Case studies are proof to the media and provide the quotes and data they need to create a valuable and accurate piece for their employer.

The media can play a critical role in skyrocketing your business success. Create a plan to attract their attention, follow through, and provide as much information about your business as you can on your website.

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