How To Increase Your Reach On The Web

One of the primary goals of any internet marketing business is to drive traffic to your website.  Traffic means more visitors and more profits.  Here are five ways to increase your internet presence.

Search Engine Optimization
Search engines are a great way to drive traffic to your website.  Search engines, like Google, Yahoo, MSN and so on, look at two main ingredients when indexing your website.

They look at how relevant your website is – how well you can tell the search engine what your website is about. This is called “On Page Optimization.” Keys for on page optimization are keywords, metadata, site maps and your domain name and website description information.  The majority of on page optimization resides in your website content.

The second main category search engines look at is the number of links which point to your website and how relevant those links are.  This is called “Off Page Optimization.”   If you have relevant and quality links pointing at your website from websites about your topic and your website is well optimized for your keywords, chances are you’ll rank well in the search engines.

Pay Per Click Advertising
Another common way to drive traffic to a website is through Pay Per Click, (PPC). As the name suggests, with this style of driving traffic, you pay for each time someone clicks through to your site.

With PPC, and with any new marketing strategy, it’s important to start small.  PPC campaigns can get out of control quickly.  Do your research, set your budget, and stick to it.  Test, track, and analyze your PPC campaign for the best long term results.

Article Marketing
Article marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to involves writing article directories.  Publishers grab these articles and post them on their websites, blogs, and newsletters keeping the links and author information in tact.  This not only produces relevant links to your website (remember SEO) but it also drives traffic each time someone reads your content and clicks through to your website.  This method is a highly effective method for generating traffic.  Although it is free, the downside is that it can be labor intensive.

Social Networking
Social networking is the process of communicating with other business people and/or prospects on social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, or industry specific forums and chat rooms.  Social networking is a very effective method of increasing your presence.  It enables you to build a profile and to connect with a large group of people or friends whom share a common interest.  A social networking profile typically allows you to list your contact information as well as your website(s).  This means when you make connections and provide interesting or beneficial information to other social networkers, they’ll be inclined to visit your website, thus generating traffic and your internet presence.

Getting affiliates to promote your website is a great way to get a lot more traffic and sales.  An affiliate is someone who promotes your product or services for you on an ongoing basis in exchange for a commission.  Commission can be based on click throughs or purchases or a combination of both depending on your business and affiliate model.  Affiliates are an exceptional strategy for broadening your audience and increasing your internet presence.

You can increase your internet presence using any one of these five methods or a combination of them to really amplify your traffic and increase your internet presence.  Choose your strategy and get started growing your business today.

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