Indie Biz Chicks Has A New Look

If you are coming onto the site and thinking “Woah! What happened?”  You are not seeing things. We do, indeed, have a new look!

For the past year and a half or so, I have been using magazine-style themes and they do create a great look… but they also require A LOT of maintenance. Because the front page of magazine style themes require a constant flow of content to keep them looking fresh, I was spending a lot of time cranking out new posts. I would sometimes create 3 or more new posts in a single day. This did not leave me much time to create other kinds of learning products, videos, podcasts, etc.

And so, I decided to change things up!

It’s a New Year and I look forward to the exciting changes that are coming. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

And if you have ideas about what you’d like to see on Indie Biz Chicks, let me know! What are the things you’d like to learn? How do you want to learn them (self-study, group classes, teleseminars, webinars, one-on-coaching, etc)?

5 thoughts on “Indie Biz Chicks Has A New Look”

  1. Bravo for making a change that gives you more time for creating the content you want! Even more so, I love the fresh honesty about the work it required to maintain a magazine-style theme. Keep up the great advice. It’s fabulous to see smart women serve as a connecting point for other gals. Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for the compliments, Tara & Kelli.

    Kelli – I think it’s very important to tell the truth. It makes no sense to downplay the work you are doing. If others were trying to keep up with a magazine-style theme and thought I was doing it with ease, they may feel something was wrong with them for not being able to keep up. Does that make sense?

  3. I agree, the new look is a great change – nice and clean and it seems a bit easier to navigate too! I’m happy with my theme (Thesis, which I switched to a year ago), but since I’ve been helping a friend switch to Thesis and I’m planning a new website this year, I’m thinking some minor cosmetic tweaks for my blog might be in order too!

  4. Wow and I thought I wrote a lot with doing pretty much one post per day! I actually tried magazine style for a few weeks but switched back to the blogging style too.

    Love the new look Crissy and sounds like it was a very smart move.

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