It Pays To Follow Up

One thing many business owners have in common is that they fail to follow up. I understand that following up can seem a bit daunting – you definitely don’t want to seem like a bothersome nag.

On the other side of things, the act of following up with your leads and customers can be the deciding factor when it comes to generating a profit. While this is true in all forms of business, it can be especially true when doing business online.

The vast majority of people that visit your site will only visit once, for a very short time, never to return again. It’s sad, but it’s true. Think about your own internet habits. How many times have you stumbled upon a site, and maybe even thought it was pretty darn neat, but just never went back?

While you may never reach a 100% visitor return rate, you can help conquer the short-attention-span syndrome by adding a sign-up box to your site and inviting people to join your mailing list.

The simple truth is that you can generate more profit by sending out periodic emails to the people who’ve already been to your site and shown interest in it, than by spending lots of money marketing to strangers.

Now, that doesn’t mean you should pull all your ads – you still have to market to strangers, too. But don’t forget about the people who’ve already found you!

Most people are not going to purchase anything from you on their first visit to your site. I’ve heard various statistics, but most people calculate that the average person visits a site 7 or 8 times before they purchase anything from it.

Even those that have previously purchased something from you need to be reminded that you’re still out there and that you have more things for sale. That old saying “out of sight, out of mind” didn’t become an old saying because it wasn’t true!

And sometimes, believe it or not, you just have to ask for the sale. Now, I don’t mean you should literally send out an email that says “will you buy something from my site?” The phrase “asking for the sale” simply means making your offer.

Have you ever been helped by a salesperson who told you all these great things about an item you were looking at, and then just stood there and looked at you? They were waiting for you to close the deal. But that’s their job! Many potential customers simply walk away to end the awkwardness of the staring contest.

If the salesperson had said something such as “are you ready to purchase this now?” many of those same people would have wound up buying the item.
All you need to do is take that concept online and ask for the sale via email! To learn more about mailing lists and how to use them, visit