Why Audio?

If you spend very much time online, you may have noticed that websites are changing. It’s true that you will still find some static pages that steer clear of the bells and whistles, but those are a dying breed.

When the internet was new, people were really impressed at the fact that a website even existed. Now that we’ve all gotten used to fact that we can communicate with people at the blink of an eye, it takes a bit more to impress someone.

One of the easiest ways to add a bit of pizzazz to your site or blog is to add some audio features. There are lots of ways to do this, and you can pick and choose the ways that fit your personality the best.

One option would be to create some audio blog posts. Instead of writing down your posts, you could simply use a service that allowed you to record your thoughts over the phone. Once recorded, you only need to install a player into the post by pasting a bit of HTML code. Your readers can now become your listeners.

If you don’t want to go that route, you could record a greeting that welcomes people to your site, provides some insight on why you started the website, and gives out any other info you want your visitors to know. This could be displayed on your home page or your about me page.

Another great way to use audio is on your product descriptions or testimonials page. When people are able to hear you describe your product, your enthusiasm may be what motivates them to buy! When they are able to hear how your product helped another customer, they will be able to see themselves in that same situation and will start to feel that they need your product.

Above all else, audio is simply a new way to deliver content to your visitors. Different people like different things. One of your visitors may love sitting down at the computer and reading all day, while others may have shorter attention spans or demanding schedules.

When some of your content is in audio form, your visitor can download it to their Mp3 player and listen while driving around town or during their work out. For some people, audio is more convenient than printed content.

As mentioned earlier, adding a bit of audio can be as simple as recording your message via phone and installing a bit of HTML code onto your site or blog. For a free trial of the service I use, visit www.indiebizchicks.com/a/audio-acrobat.htm

These were just a few examples of the ways that you can add audio to your site. Get creative and have fun with it. Your site will look impressive and it’ll give your visitors a reason to come back for more.

For more information on using audio, visit www.indiebizchicks.com/mc.html