Overwhelmed Person’s Guide To Time Management

Product Name: Overwhelmed Person’s Guide to Time Management
Reader Reviewed
Rating: 9
Where to Buy: https://www.amazon.com
Description: A guide to managing what little time we all have. Filled with get organized tasks that will help you to not only be organized but maintain what time you have to get everything done.

Review: This is a great guide. Finding ways to manage time and the work that seems to fill it up from early morning through the night can be such a disheartening task. Now there is some help to get yourself organized and manage what little time you do have.

I found the tasks in this book to be very helpful. They taught me how to make lists and remember where they are. That’s always a hard thing for me. I make the list and then forget where the list isbecause it gets buried beneath tons of stuff on my desk or kitchen table. What a waste of time huh? Not anymore.

The Overwhelmed Person’s Guide to Time Management also showed me some great ideas on how to give things the right priority, delegate some of the responsibility and a little bit on being prompt. All of this together has really taught me some good lessons on managing my time.

My favorite part is the part about learning to say no. I’m one of those people if asked will do because I always feel guilty if I don’t. This book has started to show me that it’s ok to say no sometimes. There’s no need to feel guilty because they will always come back and ask again. I have found this to be very true even when I do say no over and over again.

The checkpoints and reviews at the end of each chapter are a tremendous help. If for no other reason than they save time. If I’m falling back into old habits I can just pick up the book look at the tips and remember the way I should be doing things. It all comes back and before I know it I’m on track again.

Ok I know you’re probably saying the same thing I did. I don’t have time to read a book like this. Yes you do. Read it a little at a time. I promise you’ll pick up something new every time you pick it up. Every little bit helps when it comes to time management and this book will lead to a less stressful life. It helped me get organized and manage my time. If it helped me it can help anyone that’s for sure.

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