Don’t Be Afraid To Share Passwords With Your VA

Passwords don’t want to be emailed willy nilly all over the internet, it’s important to send passwords with security measures in place.  Fortunately there are a variety of software tools to make sharing and security possible.


Using OneNote, publishing a copy of your notes to a shared location is a simple way to make them available to others.

Step One. Open OneNote, create a new page and type passwords to selected accounts on a specified page to share with your VA.

Step Two. Email by selecting the pages that you want to publish.

Step Three.  Of course this is only effective if your page is password protected otherwise you could inadvertently give access to all of your passwords to the wrong person.  To apply a password to specific sections of your notebook.

  1. Click the tab of the section you want the password to apply to.
  2. On the File menu, click Password Protect This Section.
  3. In the Password Protection task pane, click Set Password.
  4. In the Password Protection dialog box, type the password you want in the Enter password box.
  5. Confirm the password by typing it in the Confirm password box, and then click OK.


Google offers similar password protection for sharing documents.  Users can edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations, and invite more collaborators and viewers.  The only way a person can view a document is if they are invited to view it thereby increasing the level of protection.

Users have the ability to designate someone as a collaborator or simply a viewer.  Viewers can see the most recent version of a document, spreadsheet or presentation, however they’re not able to make any changes. They can also export a copy of the document, spreadsheet or presentation to their local hard drive.

It’s vital to keep passwords protected particularly when you’re sending multiple passwords protected and private while still being able to share them with outsourced providers and virtual assistant whether they’re next door or around the world.  OneNote and Google make it easy and add an extra level of security that emailing passwords just doesn’t have.

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