Three Ways To Stop Procrastinating

We’re all guilty of it. Well, at least I know I am. Procrastination. Sometimes, I think it could be my middle name! And as someone who suffers from this (more than I’d like to admit), I have learned a few tricks to get myself moving. Who knows? They might work for you, too.

Break Up The Task
When you look at a big task, such as “redesign my website,” you can easily become overwhelmed. Some people can get so stifled by that feeling that they just quit working on the project all together. Instead of looking at a big project as one item on your to-do list, break it up into small pieces.

Using the above example, you could put “decide on a new blog theme,” “pick out a new color scheme,” and “design a new header,” on your to-do list. Each task is bite-sized and do-able. You can tackle one on Monday, one on Tuesday, etc. When you look at it that way, it seems a lot less overwhelming.

Do Something For 15 Minutes
When all you feel like doing is sitting on the couch, but you know you have business stuff to do, start working for 15 minutes. If you get 15 minutes of work done and still feel like loafing on the couch, fine. At least you got 15 minutes done. On the other hand, you might be on such a roll after that 15 minutes that you keep working for 115 minutes!

Think About The End
When you find yourself procrastinating, think about the end. It’s really gonna go one of two ways. You’re either going to keep sitting on the couch and you’ll never finish your project, or you’re going to get off your ass and do the work. What one is going to feel better in the end? Keep thinking about that feeling of accomplishment, and see if that doesn’t get you in gear.

5 thoughts on “Three Ways To Stop Procrastinating”

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Three Ways To Stop Procrastinating | --

  2. Hi Crissy. I’ll bet I wipe rings around you when it comes to procrastination. lol.

    I like the brevity of this post AND the easy to implement strategies. Thanks so much.


  3. How simple……..and yet I never thought about it before like that. I constantly have little to no energy. I always feel like I’m not getting anything done (mainly because I’m not!) Putting these steps into play I think I can manage it!

  4. This post really rang true for me, and I see how effective the “small bites” strategy could be…thanks much, now to figure out how to do my own blog….so much for small bites!! lol

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