What I’m Thankful For…

It’s Thanksgiving morning and before I head out to all the family stuff I have going on today, I wanted to take a minute and tell you what I’m thankful for in my business…

Now, of course, there are lots of things I’m thankful for outside of my business; my family, friends, and the doctors who figured out what was going on with me and prescribed the B12 shots that have made me feel so much better.

But when it comes to my business, I do have a lot to be thankful for. I’ve made a lot of great friends through my business in the past two years since I’ve started my site. I’m thankful for the flexibility and the ability to work on my business wherever I want to work on it. I am thankful for the creative outlet it provides and am extremely lucky (and thankful) that I love what I do (not a lot of people get to say that).

Most of all, I am thankful for you, my readers. Without you, there wouldn’t be a business. When I first started this, a little over two years ago, I had no idea if people would like the site, if they would keep reading or if it would just be a fly-by-night thing. But thanks to you, the site keeps growing. Thank you for coming back to see what I have to write about, time and time again. Thank you for all the notes you send throughout the year (they make my day).

Thank you for giving me a voice. I truly appreciate all of you.

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