Managing Your Biz

Five Money-Savers to Take Advantage of When Starting Your Own Business

For start-up businesses to succeed in today’s unforgiving economy they need to save every penny possible. The technology necessary to function in web-based industries makes that hard especially when you’re learning on-the-go. Every opportunity you have to utilize necessary technologies cheaply or in an effort to make other aspects of your enterprise cheaper must be

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Twitter Party – The Pros & Cons Of Working Solo

The next Indie Biz Chicks Twitter Party will be Tuesday, July 19 from 9pm – 10:00pm Eastern time. We’re going to be talking about the pros and cons of working solo. My  guests will be Kelly McCausey (@kellymccausey), Angela Wills (@angelawills), and Sharon McMillan (@sharonmc). I recommend using TweetGrid to keep track of the discussion.

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Why Social Media Marketing Reigns Supreme

Marketing campaigns used to consist of direct mailers, e-mails that generally wound up in the Spam box, and search engine pay-per-click ads. However, internet marketing has rapidly evolved, and has provided businesses with new and more efficient ways of reaching potential customers. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made it possible

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